2015-2024 LEDFUL

Led 무대 디스플레이

이벤트 LED 화면의 특성을 이해하려면 먼저이 필드가 존재하는 이유를 이해해야합니다. 우리 모두 알다시피, LED 디스플레이는 신호를 전송하는 매체이며, 그 목적은 비디오와 그림을 표시하는 것입니다. 이전 프로젝트는 고객의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 한 곳에서 수정되었습니다. 모바일 정보 시대로 인해 무대를 수행하는 데 사용되는 고정 화면이 생존하기 어려워지고 전국의 공연 그룹이 모바일 무대로 관심을 돌리고 있습니다. 그래서 모바일 화면이 태어 났고 우리는 많은 공간 비용을 절약 할 수 있음을 발견했습니다. 그러나 디스플레이 화면을 구입하기에는 너무 비쌌습니다. 그 당시 디스플레이 화면을 소유 할 수있는 능력을 가진 일부 사람들은 화면을 임대하기 시작하여 천천히 일련의 관심사를 형성했습니다.

스마트 공급 업체는이 시장을위한 화면을 설계했습니다. LED 스테이지 디스플레이는 주로 무대 설정에서 사용되며 빈번한 분해 및 재사용이 필요하므로 이러한 제품의 휴대성과 내구성을 테스트해야합니다. 동시에 렌탈 시장의 빈번한 변화로 인해 많은 운송이 필요하므로 LED 무대 스크린 디자인은 충격과 손상에 매우 강해야합니다. 바다, 공기, 철도 또는 자동차 운송의 위험을 피하기 위해.

소비자의리스 문제는 또한 스크린의 설치를 고려할 필요가 있기 때문에 사용 및 운송 이외에, 일반적으로 임대 LED 회사는 설치 서비스를위한 전문 팀을 가지고, LED 터미널, 인공 비용 및 노동 시간의 원시 식물 스크린 제조 업체 고려, 따라서 고객이 시간과 비용을 절약 할 수 있도록 신속한 설치 효과를 얻기 위해 유선형 설계를 극대화합니다.

LEDFUL은 2008 년부터 임대 산업에 깊이 종사해 왔습니다. 현재, 우리는 108 개 이상의 국가에 수출하고 있으며 렌탈 제품이 40% 개 이상을 차지하는 전세계 9,600 대규모 프로젝트를 수행했습니다. 이 분야에 대한 투자에 관심이 있으시면 언제든지 저희에게 연락하십시오.

Indoor Rental LED Display VS Outdoor Rental LED Display

Indoor rental LED display is mainly used for various indoor events, such as indoor exhibitions, performances, concerts, etc., it can also be used for fixed installation. Indoor rental led screen is not waterproof, the brightness is around 1000nits. For indoor rental led screens, the viewing distance is very short, so in order to show the best quality to audience, we have to promise high definition. The indoor rental market tends to have pixel pitches such as P2.6, P2.5.

Outdoor rental LED display is mainly used for outdoor events, such as sports competition, music festival etc. Outdoor rental led display screen is waterproof, brightness is over 4000cd/m², and there is a protective mask to protect LEDs from collision. Usually for outdoor activities, the viewing distance is far, so the pixel pitch of screen isn't main factor of a project, but stability and durability are the key. Currently P3.9 and P4.8 are hot sale pitches for outdoor projects.

Indoor Rental LED Display

Indoor stage LED screen rental is mainly used in exhibitions, conferences, weddings, indoor stages, cocktail parties, concerts and so on, mainly using hanging and floor stacking installation ways.

The main advantages of indoor rental LED screen are as below:

1. Various pixel pitch options

P1.9, P2.6, P2.9, P3.9 and P4.9 can meet most of different resolution requirements. In the case of close viewing distance, smaller pixel pitches are better, such as P1.9, P2.6 and P2.9. In the case of long viewing distance and large screen size, P3.9 and P4.8 will be better.

2. High gray scale and high refresh rate

The 16-bit gray scale and 3840Hz high refresh rate ensure that the indoor rental LED display has outstanding performance, even in front of professional cameras, the display picture is still clear and natural.

3. Different Maintenance Way Options

Normally the maintenance way is rear service by screw fixing, but when there is not enough space behind the screen, we can choose the front maintenance way, which is easier to maintain at the event site.

4. Different Cabinet Size Options

Our led stage screens are available in 500x500mm and 500x1000mm sizes, and can be used together to flexibly adapt to various required display sizes.

5. Corner Protector

All LED display cabinet corners are protected by protectors which prevent unnecessary damage to the LED lamps during placement and movement.

6. More Shape Design

LEDFUL led stage display provides curved, right-angle screen design, abnormal shape can make the screen more outstanding and better display effect.

7. One-stop service
We will provide installation structure, control system, sound system, stage lighting, mobile power distribution and other equipments that the rental LED screen needs, one-stop service for your project.

Outdoor Rental LED Display

Rental led stage screen, mainly divided into two types: indoor and outdoor. Today I will introduce you to the details of the outdoor rental led display screen.
First of all, the pixel pitch of outdoor rental led display is selected: P2.6mm, P2.97mm ,P3.9mm,P4.8mm,P5.9mm,P6.2mm. Due to the particularity of the rental market, it is not recommended to use products with spacing less than P2.6mm. The smaller the lamp bead is, the more it needs to be protected from collision. Outdoor scenes with frequent movement are not suitable for such pixels. At present, P3.9 and P4.8 occupy the highest market share in our company, and their viewing distance is just 30-50m, which is suitable for most outdoor rental sites.

Secondly, outdoor rental led displays will inevitably mention the brightness problem. Brightness also has a great impact on outdoor rental led displays. Too high brightness will cause the impact and harm to the audience's human vision, which is not conducive to human health problems, while too low brightness will not be able to get a perfect display effect. General outdoor rental LED brightness is around 4000-5500Nits.

Then we need to pay attention to the degree of stitching. There are usually three ways to install outdoor rental screens: 1. Truss hoisting; 2. Floor structure stacking; 3. “Z”type  frame assembling.Usually the most used is the truss lifting, so the screen assembly details are very important, not only need to design light and easy to assemble, but also strong enough to be safe.At present, our company's outdoor rental products use CNC die-casting aluminum materials on the market, with higher accuracy and better sealing, error less than 0.01mm, perfect visual presentation.

LEDFUL provides led stage rental led screen for sale, our latest outdoor rental design, the fourth generation plug and plug LED display, is now popular all over the world, exported to more than 86 countries, done more than 9600 cases, you can contact us if you are interested.  

LEDFUL Event LED Screen Advantages and Features

Indoor and Outdoor Rental LED display, Pitch P1.9, P2.2, P2.6, P2.9, P3.9, P4.8, P5.6, P6.9, share the same cabinet frame, control box and accessories, which help clients set up safety stock and upgrade the screen resolution within budget.

Features of our indoor and outdoor rental LED display: full front maintenance, not only module front service, but also power supply, receiver card, hub, etc. Quick exchangeable control box for easy maintenance. Time saving. Removing the LED modules without disconnect cables will save a lot of time in the show.
Wall Mounted for Fixed Installation. Each corner of cabinet have a screw hole, screw M8 bolts to fix bare cabinet on the wall. Assembly modules onto the cabinet. Curved Installation with every 2.5°between -7.5°and 10°, which can make convex and concave. Climbing structure can help you make convenient maintenance. 4mm stands at the bottom of cabinet, prevent edge pixels damage when put cabinet upright on the ground.

No light leakage design with specific strips on side of cabinet and behind neighbour module.Different spacing of location pins on up and down sides of control box. Package Flight case and Wooden Case

Set safety stock / save material cost. Different LED display pixel pitch match the same cabinet frame, control box, power supply, data and power cable, flight case packing, etc. So you only need buy different pixel pitch modules to upgrade your screen resolution.
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2015-2024 LEDFUL
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